The honor of being appreciated flows freely among artists of blog-land. This is a wonderful feeling of encouragement, the presence of the muse. Talented Deryn of
Something Sublime has passed the Brillante Weblog on to me, visit Deryn, I sense you will love the beauty of her art, I do!
In response I would like to share some wonderful blogs with you!
I would like to pass the love on to the following talented folks that I enjoy on a regular basis:
Muratt 11 is a favorite witty and wonderful writer.
Rosemari, whose generosity of sharing the delicious 'how to' make an amazing variety of things at:
What I Made Today.
Kiva Rose's generous and yummy Herbal Wisdom.
The Fantastic art of
Son of Incogneato!
The Amazing art of
To use Deryn's words: I think you all know the drill... go and create your own list of inspiring links (if you are inspired to do so)!