Fairy Slipper
A creature I love and smells divine
I found her yesterday
Greenish Lady has tagged me for a meme.
Somehow this time it slipped into my day just fine, for usually this would not appeal to me, nice to know that all is unknown.
Rules:The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.Each player answers the questions about himself or herself. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Ten years ago: May 1998
Well I have no old calendars or journals to remind me what I was up to, they are in storage far away from me. My memory is not something I can rely on. At first I answered this :
*I was studying cranial sacral therapy with
Hugh Milne which was a profound experience in so many ways and a great challenge for medical language and memorizing did not come easy.
After some research yesterday, I realized twas 2001 I began my schooling. My memory has it's own ways!
But here are some things that happened that year:
*My son was about to turn 18, graduate from High School and take a trip to Costa Rica with a friend. I was very happy for him!
*My business was making beaded jewelry which I would sell at the
Beach Show along the ocean on Sundays (which allowed me to stay home and raise my son as he grew up, instead of day care).
*I lived in the lovely town of Santa Barbara, hiking with friends, buying my food from local organic farmers, working out in a gym.
I think of this time in my life and smile.
Five things on today's "to do" list:
1)Write, whether it be journaling
a conversation with spirit friends
or a post for the blog
2) finish a wee piece of art I began yesterday with Pitt pens, don't have enough colors so will now use paints
3) wander down to look at the story the bear left on the earth, and to visit the wee morel mushroom (unless someone ate it durning the night)
4) hike to Finger Lake, looking for new flowers and mushrooms to take their portraits.
5) Enjoy being alive
Things I'd do if I was a billionaire:
This is not an easy question for me. As it is not something I ponder.
Still I will give it a go;
I would ask how my mother how she would enjoy her life better cared for.
I sense I would feel inspired to find ways to serve humanity, to do this in a way that would be in harmony with living on Earth.
I would find land that felt like home and build a house.
For some reason I don't dream much about what I would do with things I do not have.
Three bad habits:
1) red wine, ah I love it.
2) dragging my feet when time comes to make changes
3) piles, piles, piles of notes, ideas, thoughts, filing, I clean them up and they start all over
Five places I've lived:
1) Southern California - most my life
2) Kauai - 2 months
3) Nelson B.C. - 4 months
4) Boulder, Colorado - 2 months
5) Montana
Five jobs I've had:
1) weaving and making plant hangers for my mother's business
2) making shoes, my own tiny business
3) jewelry business for over twenty years
4) cranial sacral therapist
5) photography
Five people I'm tagging for this meme:
This might be the hardest part of this meme, who would enjoy this look and sharing about their lives. As Greenish Lady said "participation is completely optional"! The wonderful part of asking folks to do this is that I will get to know them better! If you choose to do this, I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know.
Sharon at
Norah's ArtAnne at
Anno's Place
Gemma Wiseman at
Greyscale Territory
Sara Lechner at
The Fabric of MeditationNew friend at