Easy Street has a prompt called: the oracle is in
This triggered a memory: on a lake shore in Brittish Columbia a few years ago I came upon a mandala made of rocks. Who made it, I will never know. What it meant to them, is also not mine. Yet I have experienced that in making a mandala one can become clear about something they are wondering about. It can inspire the steps that need to be taken in ones life. There is power in taking the time to be with a decision or problem. In the artistic creation, loosing oneself in the moment there is space for wisdom to arise.
Very nice, beautiful mandala - I can really identify with this. Many is the time I have left my ’mark’ in nature with a little something made of stone and/or wood. As a stonemason and carpenter it kind of comes naturally to me. One of the aspects that appeals is the transitory nature of such constructions – in a year or two, perhaps a little more, nature will again have asserted herself and moved my things about, or obliterated them completely. In the meanwhile someone might have chanced by and gotten a smile or had a moment.
ReplyDeleteIn Norway it is not uncommon to build mounds of stones along mountain trails, mainly as guides through rock fields, but also as artistic expressions. Some of them are really quite beautiful.
Wonderful blog you have here. And many thanks for stopping by and leaving behind so many nice comments on mine. I have rarely felt so properly ‘visited’.