come and whisper in my ear
what I need to hear
spoken from a sincere heart
to the spirit of the lake

gently stepping over mossy rocks
to a depth of water that one can then glide into
taking in the visible beauty of the world around
there is the glory of the sky for ceiling
held in the arms of a lively forest

mushrooms and flowers as companions
heart enlivened
to sense more deeply
into the nature of the moment

looking with more than eyes
into the invisible
of what is visible
a grand elixir

view becomes vast like an ocean
the world transforms
into a sensuous amalgamated entity
no longer the same woman
the world is my lover and I feel like a bride
1) wild-campanula
2) Bowman Lake, Glacier National Park
3) ponderosa Forest
4) wild-larkspur
5) wild-false hellebore
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