Once upon a time (LAST February) from the far off land of Oslo came a gift that touched my heart sweetly and deeply. The Superior Scribbler Award was gifted by Son from
Son of Incogneato's blog. As I read
his words as to why he gave it to me, gentle tears rolled down my cheeks. I began to sense that my heart felt dream of uplifting the human spirit through the beauty of nature and my writings was actually manifesting.

I'd like to introduce: mister Son. When I stumbled upon his blog I was enchanted as I wandered through post after post. His art overflows with the mystery and magic of life, and summons imagination to the surface. I encourage you to gift yourself with a visit to his blog:
Son of Incogneato! (I wish I had the ability to be as humorous about this as Son was in his
award post!He is also a wonderful writer, you will have to search deep to find his writings.
Now this award has some tasks I must attempt to honor:
* Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy friends.
* Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she received the award.
* Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to
This Post, which explains The Award.
* Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit [the above Scholastic Scribe] post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
* Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
It is with great appreciation that I pass this award on to some bloggy friends whose writing I enjoy very much and absolutely as writers they each deserve this award! :
Anno of:
anno's placeAnno has the ability to write about anything: what she is reading, growing, meme's, what she is cooking and eating, poetry, and always I find myself delighted and absorbed in her words.
Paschal of:
Murat 11Paschal has a grand style, sui generis. I have found that my mind must relax, loosen, let go to take in the brilliance of his words (this is a good thing). And his comment section is like a string of pearls as he responds to his readers and friends. And... he has great taste in music.
Miss A of :
The Essence of A ThingMiss A has a delicious way with words. Her heart and mind can weave a tale that takes you on wild and wonderful adventures.
Erin of:
Erin SingsMs. Erin breaths life into words with a sensuous lilt that gets my attention. Not only is she a wonderful writer, if you wander around her blog a bit you can find some of her awesome music.
The newest writer I have come to find: ThomG of
Surface TensionThis man is a fantastic story teller. He has one this week called 'Snare' that I thoroughly enjoyed.
I could go on and on, for I enjoy the brilliant writing of so many people in blogland. I thank you all for sharing the beauty and depth of your words with me and the world.

Photos are of the Eastern Rockies of Montana