consider the draw
of a languid landscape
feel the admiration
appreciation for
a rugged mountain range
rolling hills
massive glaciers
endless shorelines
within these stones
are stories older than our life time
within these stones
find a stillness
that rises from deep within the earth
a stillness lay
day after day
in one place
is it the yearning for peace
deep serene stillness
that has our eyes sweeping vast vistas
walking treasured lands
creating likeness of their images as art
consider the gifts of our landscapes
are we not born of the soil
perhaps it is a deep innate calling
to feel wanderlust
for the mystery
that lie beneath our feet
to find mystery
within our hearts

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas
and a wonderful Holiday Season!
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and a wonderful Holiday Season!
Visit OSI to read poems by others for the prompt: wanderlust