

having soft eyes
that look gently into the world

eyes that blend
with the fabric
of life

eyes with an openness
to perceive
in a virgin manner

eyes that see
life essence

that receive life essence



Winter's Shoreline

winters shoreline treasures
ice and stones
grand performance unfolding
amongst waves
and sunshine tones


to enjoy more watery images


My One World One Heart Give Away Winners!

We have come to the end of
Lisa Swiftka's 

876 blogs from around the world participated! 

It has been a wonderful time of making new friends, seeing new arts
enjoying the world of artful blogging!

Now to announce my two winners!

Anna of Nature Trail, aka Nature Girl

I thought to post a lovely summer flower 
in celebration


photo: Trifolium aureum, or golden clover


Be Curious

to be curious
rather than to know
is a grand gift
rather like snow
for all shapes and forms
can rise in you
showing paths and possibilities you never knew
so open up to endless ways
and see how life can dance and play
let visions fly
and the mystery show
you freedom that is your birthright to know

wishing you a lovely 
heart full day



Watery Facets

like water
one's path is the way

flowing as a river
creek or rain

held for a time like ice
frost or snow

still like a
pond or lake
sometimes a dance
of ocean or sea


it is wise to embrace
the watery facets
of one's life

my Spirithelpers blog is 3 years of age!

I have enjoyed sharing with you, very much. 

Thank you for making my experience a treasure, 
thank you for being my blogging friends!

Thank you for your lovely visits
and the wonderful messages that you leave me!

to enjoy wonderful macro images, visit Lisa Chaos: Macro Monday
