
Give Away!! Generosity from Novica to YOU!

Give Away!

but first a conk, a shelf mushroom

have you ever looked up close at a conk?
I did and I was amazed. 
I love looking up close at nature:


Now for the amazing Give Away!

Recently Novica, who happens to be associated with National Geographic, wrote me offering a generous gift. 
You see they noticed that I have wonderful Blog Friends,
Yes that is YOU!

This is not something I usually do, but how could I refuse. 
They gave me a gift certificate to order something and tell you about it. 
I got my sister a gift- Shush, don't tell her!

Look how beautifully it arrived in a handmade gift box!
Handmade sterling silver earrings. 
She will love them. 
They arrived so fast I barely blinked and they were here.
From my experience this company is truly
helping artisans to share their arts with the world.
This in turn helps them to make a living and care for their families.


They also gave me a $75 gift certificate for ONE of you!
No jumping through hoops, 
you don't have to follow me here there or anywhere.... 

Just leave me a kindly message on THIS post, 
with a way to get a hold of you (in case you win).

In one week, on May 8th, 2011
I will pick one person who will get this generous gift from NOVICA.

You can choose from their Corporate gifts
or any of their products.

You can visit their section called: Novica Live
check out how you can loan money to artisans around the world at their
I think that is an amazing program. 

(I must, yes MUST hear from the winner by midnight May15th, if I do not....
then I will pick a different person from the comments on this post).

Also, if you enjoy amazing macro photography visit:


  1. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    wow the macro shot of the mushroom? is fantastic. Charmaine

  2. excellent details in the pics!
    the gift looks so tempting ;)

  3. Your shots of the mushroom and the conk are awesome. I have seem lots of them, but never thought to take a photo of one. These photos are absolutely captivating.

  4. Yes, they are amazing. Wait until you see an artist's mushroom!!! Okay, I hope they are giving a Dyson ball vacuum cleaner... hehehehehehe!!!

  5. hello Fairchild:
    yes, some sort of mushroom that grows on trees.

    Thank you as always for your visit.

    So glad you enjoyed a close look.

    not sure that there are any vacuum cleaners available, maybe hand made brooms ;-}

  6. It DOES grow on trees then :-)

  7. I love NOVICA I've ordered from them before and my grand daughter took the things I ordered she fell in love with them. Thanks for a chance to win.
    I love your blog I'm always blown away by your photo's.

  8. The details, light, tones, and shallow depth in the first image are just superb.

  9. Beautiful shots.

    Hey! that is a very nice gift.

  10. Hi Tammie, I think the pictures are amazing, especially the details in the second one, makes me want to touch it. your sister will love the earings. I had not heard of Novica
    before, would love the chance at the gift certificate. Keep doing what you do, your the best. have a great week.

  11. The conk is a new one for me. I had never seen one before, is it a mushroom? Oops sorry, you already replied to that one! Okay so I've never seen one like this! Nature is incredible, isn't it?! :-)

  12. AnonymousMay 02, 2011

    I'm excited your work is beautiful ... I dream of making good pictures ... but I admire yours when I come to the soul.
    A big hug Tammie

  13. Wow, Tammie! That is such a bewildering sight...imagine being a tiny ant, walking on top of that mushroom! Your close ups on nature are always a delight. :)

    Hugs, oxx

  14. TL - as always you capture the micro side of nature - that artistry that we often don't take the time to investigate - beauty that makes the ordinary magnificent. Thanks. B

  15. Lovely! I always enjoy your unique photos that ask us to consider a different view. Please enter me for your giveaway. nfsvintage (atgmail) {dotcom}

  16. Isn't it amazing? There is always some wonder waiting to be found. Look closer, look closer again, and again. Beautiful shot, as always, and very generous giveaway. Lovely!

  17. AnonymousMay 02, 2011

    I've never seen on before, but I will be on the lookout from now on! Pretty fascinating!

  18. I have seen conks - I've even found a couple of heart shaped ones!

    I've never looked quite this closely though ... it's a bit like honeycomb isn't it? I will have to see if ours are the same.

  19. Very nice. My wife purchased a gangsa jongkok from Novica - it's beautiful to look at, play and hear.

  20. I like that company, seems to be doing some good work. Nice fungi, too!

    you can find my email on my profile page... or at my blog, I think you know where I am!

  21. Very beautiful earrings, a perfect gift and it's so true about the shell, amazing!

    thanks for the prize opportunity too Tammie, sweet!

    Happy Week, G

  22. Excellent details Tammie, and you are a great blogger. You deserve the gift!

  23. AnonymousMay 02, 2011

    Love the mushroom-macros! The detail is exceptional... they really come alive in these shots.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway- definitely put my name in the hat! :)

  24. Wow! Amazing pictures -- never looked very closely at mushrooms at all until I met you -- and an amazing opportunity. Thanks for telling us about this wonderful program. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  25. Hi Tammie, your photos are really great. I do not have enough English vocabulary to write how much your images move me.
    Have a nice week.

  26. Well, I live so far away... Can I join it to?
    My email is lou.russo27@gmail.com

  27. Those earrings are beautiful! What a great organization. I love your mushroom photos. Breathtaking pictures as always! (I still keep Whitefish weather report app on my iPod because I can't wait to head back.) Happy spring to you!

  28. I love the details and the texture in your photos, Tammie! The composition is also creative!

    Such a generous gesture with the gift! :)

  29. That's pretty cool, Tammie. I'll check out their site.
    The underside reminds me a bit of the inside of bones.

  30. Hi Tammie,
    I love these images ... the underside almost looks like honeycomb. A delicate and beautiful thing!
    Very best wishes,

  31. I love looking up close at things too - it gives you a whole new perspective on life! These are such interesting photos.

  32. Gorgeous photos ~ as always! And, yes, it's true ~ we do have a beautiful gangsa jongkok from Novica. :)

  33. I loove this stunning texture and this great macro dear Tammie!

  34. Great texture there...
    And wow! A giveaway too! How fabulous!!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. What a fantastic giveaway! I just love Novica. I can get lost for hours trying to build up my wishlist.
    By the way, great photography!

    lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

  37. Amazing fungus...fungi...conk! Nice earrings, as well. You're right, she'll love them.

  38. Amazing things can be found in nature, and your macro shot of this one is brilliant.
    Oh, and the earrings are lovely too!

  39. What lovely closeups of that conk. The pattern is amazing. That's a lovely gift for your sis, and a generous giveaway.

  40. AnonymousMay 03, 2011

    When we unclog our pores, we seed the world with that which we find precious.

  41. Great close up of an interesting 'shroom.
    Wonderful pictures as usual Tammie.

  42. looking at your close up if the mushroom can you guess what I am thinking????? French knots!!

  43. I found a tree with lots of clonks yesterday. you pictures are so inspiring.

  44. Awesome images~Truly=)
    It just proves it's all in how you see things!
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  45. Royal PhillipsMay 04, 2011

    Again..each droplette in the water realm tiny just swept me away. The newness of spring has an eternal place in my heart. Here and there.
    You bring to others...an ever so close inspection of the miracle. Bless your EYE!
    Love you,

  46. AnonymousMay 05, 2011

    Oh those earrings - so gorgeous!

    And I adore the close-up view of the conk... lovely!

  47. A wonderful macro study of the conk! Attention to small details of the natural world is a form of the love of god.

  48. AnonymousMay 05, 2011

    Whoa..the conk is fascinating and beautiful.

    The earring you've picked is beautiful, and I'm sure your sister will love it too.

  49. What a cool giveaway, Tammie! Thanks for a chance to win.

  50. AnonymousMay 05, 2011

    Hi T - Cool mushroom. So much going on that we don't see until we look closely. Have a great day! xo D

  51. First, the mushroom looks like a piece of pottery and then on closer inspection, suede. I always see something new visiting you, Tammie. Unfortunately, my win streak is low, but count me in on your give-away!

  52. The textures are fantastic Tammie...beautiful! please enter me in the give away...ya never know:-)

  53. Hi Tammie..such beautiful shots..it is such fun catchin up on what I missed..gorgeous as always!hugs

  54. ...count me in Tammie! Thank you for offering the gift card. I went over to the sight and they have a lot of really cool things!

  55. Tammie: I love photos of fungus, that closeup is stunning.

  56. Nice shot of the conk. I love looking at mushrooms and all other bits of nature both big and small.

    The earrings for your sis.... are very nice. Guess I'll have to hop on over to NOVICA. Put me on your list, please.

  57. Wow, I have never seen this type of mushroom. The macro is so detailed.

    Count me in too!

  58. Thankyou Tammie, how very generous and so kind of you to pass this on to us bloggees!xx

  59. Beautiful macro photos Tammie...i love the colors of background in the first one..splendid..
    Thanks for links...Novica is good web site..excellent initiativ...:o))
    kisses ..:o)

  60. oh tammie love...i could follow you here, there or anywhere and know we would be walking in the miraculous all ways~
    xo abigail

  61. I love shelf mushrooms - and have taken many a photo. But never have I gotten up close like this. Absolutely amazing. Thank you for the generous giveaway offer. I've not heard of Novica - and I like that they are attached to National Geographic. Good luck to all! Theresa

  62. I've just discovered your blog and found so many beautiful photos. I'll be certainly returning :)
    Thanks for the giveaway, Novica has so many beautiful things to offer.

  63. Dear Tammie, Wonderful photos and texture . . . you have inspired me to look closer at these marvels that live on the forest trees. Great awning for a little fairy too!
    If your sister is like mine, she will not visit your blog much and your secret will be safe! I think the idea of giving loans to artist in depressed parts of the world a fabulous one. Even one hundred dollars would go a long way to changing someone's life.

  64. i love their blouses and the fact that they work with local artisans

    kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

  65. Fantastic capture, and the texture of that mushroom wall is awesome.

  66. AnonymousMay 07, 2011

    What amazing photography - wow! The earrings for your sister are beautiful - I'd love to enter your Novica giveaway - thanks!


  67. I have never looked up close at a conk! Amazing! And those earrings for your sister and absolutely gorgeous!

  68. A mushroom with a nice texture and very beautiful earrings. Greetings.


Warm greetings to you~

Thank you for visiting and also for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Seeing anew through your eyes and heart mean so much to me!
