
Summer, Beautiful Summer


I drove to the mountains hoping to visit butterflies. When I got to the top of the pass there they were, a 1,000 of them fluttering about is not an exaggeration. 


They were around puddles sipping water absorbing minerals. I wish I had gotten a photo of the multitudes, yet as I approached they took to the air and fluttered around me. So glimpses is what I have to share.


The tiny pond snails are laying their eggs on leaves along the water.


lovely Self Heal is blooming, dotting the woods and meadows with their lovely presence. I am also using it in my tea and made a body oil with it. 


late spring and early summer we have had rains from time to time. Moss plumps up and grows at these times revealing their artful beauty. 


Enjoy each day, seasons come and go swiftly and each one holds its own special gifts.  


lovely summer to you 






  1. AnonymousJuly 04, 2023

    Wow, never seen so many butterflies. Must have been an awesome experience.
    Lovely summer to you too.
    Greetings Lasse

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  2. So lovely that the butterflies were waiting for you! And all of your pictures of moss are making me think of starting a moss garden of my own -- thanks for the inspiration! And I'm very intrigued by the multi-purpose Self Heal flower... Happy summer to you Miz TLee, and thanks for the reminder to appreciate each day.

  3. What a beautiful gift from Mother Nature.

  4. So many butterflies together is a magical thing.

    Really summer.

    Enjoy and greetings,

  5. I find it absolutely impossible to believe that there is a place in the world where you can see that many free butterflies. Oh, my. Fabuous!

  6. Wow! Amazing pictures of the butterflies. I would love to see a large group like that. It looks as though there are at least four different species there. Have you managed to identify them?

  7. You are an artist with photography too. That butterfly is precious and beautiful. And I've never seen so many at one time! It's been pretty warm here in the mountains, but it's a lovely place to dwell with all the pines surrounding me. Makes it a bit cooler I think. ; )


  8. Thanks for your passion and enthusiasm in writing this blog

  9. Very nicce blog you have here


Warm greetings to you~

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