
Twas Essential to Wander

Yesterday I had to be outside
my spirit needed the air and space of the wild open land
my eyes needed to take in the blue sky
the greens of trees
the dancing white clouds and the light of the day

I wandered up to the Brush Creek fire area that burned last summer.
I found a wonderful spot to pick morels.
Got piles of them and I must say it is a lot like an easter egg hunt.
So much fun.

Also I found arnica flowers
I am making an infused oil with these:

Drove home on roads new to me
they wound themselves through the forest
which was
sprinkled with wild flowers.
Lovely Larkspur:

Roundleaf Alumroot:


Do you ever wonder where all the birds lay their eggs?
I do.
I pulled over to pick some arnica flowers
hopped over a log and a wee bird flew out from under it.
What was that bird doing under there, I wondered.
This is what I found:


  1. I love your pictures!
    They're enchanting, timeless and full of life & magic ;).

  2. these are magnificent. don't know what morels are or some of the other things...don't have them in england.isn't mother nature magical? hugs.

  3. Hello,
    I blog hopped from San' blog to Muratt11 to here and I'm enjoying your beautiful photos of Montana. Thanks!

  4. How marvelous that little nest is! Your pictures are wonderful, and confirm what I have always suspected: I need to travel West before I am too old.

  5. Your words:
    Yesterday I had to be outside
    my spirit needed the air and space of the wild open land
    my eyes needed to take in the blue sky
    the greens of trees
    the dancing white clouds and the light of the day

    I NEED THIS EVERY DAY!! Too bad my life is so crazy that I can't enjoy it's simple pleasures every day as the desire drives me!

    Lovely pictures!

  6. This beargrass is gorgeous! How did I miss it before? Hurrying, hurrying, no doubt. I am now slowing down, so as not to miss anything.

    Thank you!

  7. Do you think it was a junco's nest? I would often find them next to trails looking like this. They were always a pleasant discovery.

  8. What a beautiful photo journey. I really enjoyed our time spent Morel hunting. It really is like a treasure hunt. Your eyes get tuned to finding them, and they start popping into view all around you. Lovely flowers, I look forward to seeing all those this summer!


Warm greetings to you~

Thank you for visiting and also for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Seeing anew through your eyes and heart mean so much to me!
