
Spotted Saxifrage

I have just returned from three days and two nights in glorious Glacier National Park. To my delight the days were warm, skies were blue with clouds of white. Waterfalls flowing, lakes massive and flowers colored the earth in glory! Seriously, every color of flower and so so many! Nights were cool with a full moon traveling through the sky.

There is one flower that I saw two years ago and when I took it's portrait I did not do it justice. I have been waiting to find it in my wanderings ever since. It is very tiny and something about the cone like center against the petals and polka dots that makes this little creature a challenge to shoot in focus.

I came across this little beauty, just one patch of it this trip. The wind was blowing, I don't use a tripod, macro lens is heavy = all shots might be out of focus. To my delight I love the images I took of the fanciful little Spotted Saxifrage.


  1. AnonymousJuly 20, 2008

    wow what an amazing flower! nice shot!

  2. absolutely beautiful....

  3. Now those are perfect! Gorgeous, simply gorgeous.

  4. AnonymousJuly 20, 2008

    Beautiful, charming. A delight to behold.

  5. What a superb shot! Gorgeous flowers. Isn't Mother nature amazing?

  6. what an amazing little flower and what a privledge to stumble upon it again. Such are natures treasures...

  7. what a pretty flower. and what an adventure you must have been on, like a treasure hunt.

  8. what a beautiful photograph! Nature creates such delicate design :)

  9. It looks as though you have interupted the conversation of two well dressed ladies.
    Beauriful shot.

  10. Nature provides the loveliest dots! And your photograph shows it greatly!

  11. Beautiful photo of a beautiful flower! Sounds like a really awesome trip. I'm jealous.


Warm greetings to you~

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