perhaps you remember my autumn day
blue skies
aquamarine waters
circles of land cloaked in winters fading snow
textures reveal
light and shadow
line between
terra and blue yonder a visual delight
do you know who made these tracks?
I would love to hear your thoughts
maybe river otter?
I went to the bear tree, do you remember?
this next photo is one from that post: here
last autumn
mama and one of the two cubs returned
mama climbed the tree and little one gave up the climb half way up
cub did that twice and is reported to have stayed on the earth
for two days while mama was in the den way up at the top
the cub made it up
tucked in for the season....
a wind storm came
howling mighty
the rotten Cottonwood Tree fell to the earth
oh my
no one found the bears on the earth
so we envision they wandered off
this is what i found:
the tree fallen
looked so much smaller than it did from afar
with bears in its limbs
the marks were plenty up and down the tree
I sat in the den
and felt what it might have been like
to live in a tree
this was their den
a home for three....